Frequently Asked Questions
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What are the most common services provided by Aptus Plumbing and Gas?
by Brett Mulhall
Aptus Plumbing and Gas based on the Brisbane northside provide services across all the Brisbane and Moreton Regional Shire.
As a full service, plumbing and gas service, there is a diverse range of services we provide. Here are some of the most common:
Hot water system repair
Hot water system replacement
Blocked sewers
Blocked toilets
Relocating plumbing services
Gas appliance installation
Leaking taps
Bathroom renovations
Kitchen renovations
Laundry renovations
Gas leak detection and repair
Water tank installation or replacement
Stormwater repairs or upgrades
Roof guttering and down pipes
No matter the nature of your plumbing or gas problem, Aptus Plumbing and Gas have a large team of fully qualified plumbers visiting all Brisbane suburbs and Moreton region shire daily and we look forward to being service to you.
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Click on the question below to read the full answer.
What are the most common services provided by Aptus Plumbing and Gas?
by Brett MulhallAptus Plumbing and Gas based on the Brisbane northside provide services across all the Brisbane and Moreton Regional Shire.
As a full service, plumbing and gas service, there is a diverse range of services we provide. Here are some of th ...Read full faq
What Are The Cons Of Installing A Whole-Home Water Filtration System?
by Brett MulhallInstalling a whole-home water filtration system can provide you with clean water at every outlet in your home. However, deciding to install such a sweeping filtration system can also have some drawbacks, and it's important you understand wh ...Read full faq
What Happens When Tree Roots Get Inside Of Pipes?
by Brett MulhallTree roots will aggressively grow towards nearby plumbing pipes. Once they've reached the pipes, they can cause a litany of issues, all of which are typically quite serious. Fortunately, Aptus Plumbing & Gas, the leading choice for plumbing ...Read full faq
What Appliances Use Natural Gas?
by Brett MulhallWhile many think of natural gas being used only to either heat water or power gas cooktops, you can use natural gas to do so much more in your home. Utilising natural gas in your home can allow you to power various appliances easily and con ...Read full faq
How Do I Perform Maintenance On My Rainwater Tank?
by Brett MulhallA functional rainwater tank is an excellent way to help keep the cost of your water bill down every quarter. However, for that rainwater tank to remain functional, it'll need regular maintenance so that you can stay ahead of some common pro ...Read full faq
Does Rainwater Overflow Discharge Attract Mosquitoes?
by Brett MulhallCollecting rainwater is an excellent way to save on your water bills without harming the environment. However, with such large collections of water in one place, it's important that the right protections are put in place to prevent your hom ...Read full faq
How Do I Resolve Long Term Issues With Stormwater In My Home?
by Brett MulhallFor some homes, stormwater can cause more of a problem than others. This is particularly true for any home in a low-lying area, or a property with multiple elevations that can't all access proper drainage. Thankfully, resolving these issues ...Read full faq
Can You Prevent Tree Roots From Attacking Plumbing Pipes?
by Brett MulhallWhen tree roots begin to attack your pipes, you may not be able to access the plumbing services that you would expect to be able to. Fortunately, there are things that you can do to help keep tree roots away from your pipes and the water fl ...Read full faq
How Do I Clean My Grates Properly?
by Brett MulhallOnce the storm season hits, your home will need every little bit of water flow in the drainage system possible to prevent any unnecessary water damage. Because of this, it is vital that all of your drainage grates are properly cleaned, but ...Read full faq
How Do I Clean My Gutters Well?
by Brett MulhallWith the summer rains just around the corner, your home will need clean gutters to make sure that water can be safely funnelled off the roof. Cleaning gutters can be difficult, though, and it's important that you understand the best way to ...Read full faq
What Sort Of Natural Gas Is Used In Homes?
by Brett MulhallWhere electric water heating and stovetops can pose issues in certain circumstances, using gas in your home as an alternative heat source can be beneficial. When it comes to natural gas, though, not everyone is sure of what that gas is actu ...Read full faq
What Is A UV Water Purifier?
by Brett MulhallMicroorganisms thrive in water, and that can make it difficult to make sure the water supply for homes is entirely devoid of microbiological life. A UV water purifier, though, is capable of sanitising the biological life within water withou ...Read full faq
What Is An Activated Carbon Filter?
by Brett MulhallFiltering your water correctly may be something that happens automatically in your home, but it is actually a shockingly complex topic. Activated carbon water filters are one of the many water filters available for both domestic and commerc ...Read full faq
What Is Reverse Osmosis Filtration?
by Brett MulhallEven the smallest volume of contaminants in drinking water can cause problems for the health of the drinker. Fortunately, reverse osmosis is an extremely powerful filtration technology, and utilising it can ensure that drinking water is kep ...Read full faq
What Are The Pros Of Natural Gas?
by Brett MulhallNatural Gas has been available to most homes in Brisbane from about 1969. Since then, Brisbane homeowners aren't always clear on the advantages the fuel source can deliver, which can make it hard to know when natural gas is the right choice ...Read full faq
Why Is It Bad When Stormwater Flows Into Sewerage?
by Brett MulhallWhen stormwater flows into the sewerage, it can cause problems for your home. Installing a reflux valve can mitigate the problems, but it's important to understand exactly what can happen if water is allowed to flow freely. Thankfully, Aptu ...Read full faq
What Is Filtration In A Plumbing System?
by Brett MulhallProper filtration ensures that drinking water remains clean and safe for consumption. While the water from the supply might be filtered, it always makes a difference to add a bit more. Thankfully, Aptus Plumbing & Gas, the best choice for B ...Read full faq
Can Tree Roots Attack Plumbing Pipes?
by Brett MulhallPlanting trees in your Australian backyard is only natural. However, a home's plumbing and drainage lines might come under attack by the trees which might become a problem. Tree roots invading plumbing and drainage pipes are something that ...Read full faq
Do you offer maintenance services for hot water systems?
by Brett MulhallHot water systems typically function efficiently for 20 years or more, requiring minimal maintenance. However, in the rare event of a failure, such as a faulty valve or internal heating element, Aptus Plumbing & Gas is here to assist you.
...Read full faq
Can you help me choose the right size of a hot water system for my home?
by Brett MulhallAt Aptus Plumbing and Gas we install hundreds of hot water systems every year. While everyone's needs are different, there are some fundamentals for choosing the right size of hot water system for a home. We recommend you don't think about ...Read full faq
What factors should I consider when choosing a new hot water system?
by Brett MulhallMaking a decision on a new hot water system can seem a little confusing. Here are a few things to consider and remember that we are here for you at Aptus Plumbing and gas ever ready to assist with your decision, purchase and installation.
...Read full faq
How can I prevent blockages in my drains?
by Brett MulhallClog drains are a pain, smelly and sometimes very expensive to repair. If the blockage is underground in the sewer lines, requiring excavation can run into thousands, even more so if the problem is under concrete!
Prevention, some good h ...Read full faq
Why is my water bill so high?
by Brett MulhallHaving a large water bill is a shock, a surprise and probably unwelcome. The arrival of a large water bill might lead you to wonder if you have a leak in your water supply. There are a number of possibilities that you should think about fir ...Read full faq
How Long Does It Take For A Property To Dry Out After A Flood?
by Brett MulhallPerforming upkeep on a flooded property, be it residential or commercial, is incredibly frustrating. Having to clean up and repair the property while also dealing with soaked walls, floors, and ceilings can make a hard task even harder, tho ...Read full faq
How Does Flooding Cause Damage To My Home?
by Brett MulhallFlooding rains block roads, damage infrastructure, and upturn local lives for months after the rain stops falling. Of course, that means those same floods can cause extensive damage to your home, though not everyone is sure what signs of da ...Read full faq
How Long Does Mould Take To Grow After A Water Leak?
by Brett MulhallA water leak in your bathroom can be devasting as it only takes a small amount of water to do huge amounts of damage to your home. Beyond the physical damage water can do to your home, even the tiniest of water leaks can encourage the growt ...Read full faq
How Do You Safely Drain A Flooded Bathroom?
by Brett MulhallDespite there being a drain in the room, flooding in the bathroom can be a difficult situation to correct. However, you can't just let the water evaporate over time, as it will continue to damage your home and equipment, possibly past the p ...Read full faq
How Do I Prepare My Home Plumbing For Flooding?
by Brett MulhallFloodwaters are scary at the best of times. Floods can cause extreme damage to your home in a short period of time. Aptus Plumbing & Gas, the leading provider of Brisbane Northside plumbing, can give you the advice you need to potentially p ...Read full faq
What Causes Mould In The Bathroom?
by Brett MulhallMould in your bathroom is an incredibly irritating problem to fix. Black spots in particular can be quite resistant to being cleaned, but they can pose a significant threat to your health if it is not treated quickly. Aptus Plumbing & Gas, ...Read full faq
What Happens When Water Gets In A Natural Gas Regulator?
by Brett MulhallThe plumbing of any modern home is a creation that excels at its given tasks, but is quite delicate. As an example, the natural gas regulator that your home may need to ensure that you can reliably and safely access natural gas may quite ea ...Read full faq
What Happens When The Gas System Fails In A Hot Water System?
by Brett MulhallTrying to use hot water on a cold day can quickly become incredibly irritating if your water heater stops working. If you know how to spot the signs of failure in gas hot water systems, though, you might be able to get it fixed early and av ...Read full faq
What Do Service And Repair Plumbers Do?
by Brett MulhallBoth residential and commercial plumbers have clearly defined roles in the plumbing industry, making it a simple matter to work out when one might be better than the other. Unfortunately, it can be a bit harder to know where a service and r ...Read full faq
What Do Commercial Plumbers Specialise In?
by Brett MulhallExperiencing a plumbing problem in your home can be heartbreaking, especially when trying to call out a plumber only reveals that you might have to wait an hour or two before you can use your toilet again. When a major plumbing problem hits ...Read full faq
How Many Days A Week Does A Plumber Work?
by Brett MulhallTrying to find a career that matches your schedule isn't always as simple as finding a nine-to-five job. As a result, the flexible nature of a career in plumbing makes it an attractive choice, but it can be hard to understand what hours a p ...Read full faq
What Are The Three Types Of Plumbing?
by Brett MulhallA career in plumbing can be broad, with plumbers performing work for a variety of distinctive sectors. Here at Aptus Plumbing & Gas, we understand plumbing in Brisbane Northside, and can help you work out what type of plumbing you need for ...Read full faq
Is There A Minimum Age Requirement For A Plumbing Apprenticeship?
by Brett MulhallA career in plumbing is both lucrative and secure, and if you decide to follow that path, you can be comfortable in the knowledge that you will have a well-paying job for years to come. However, if you're certain that you'd like to become a ...Read full faq
Is A Sewer Smell Dangerous?
by Brett MulhallFinding out your home has begun to smell like sewerage is already frustrating enough, but you'd be right to wonder if the nauseous gasses present a threat to your health. Thankfully, if you're worried, you can rely on Aptus Plumbing & Gas t ...Read full faq
Can You Run PVC Pipes Underground?
by Brett MulhallAdding another building to your property can be an excellent way to get more value out of your land, but it can be hard to imagine where you'll put the new plumbing system without leaving pipes running everywhere through your backyard. Than ...Read full faq
Does It Take Longer To Get Hot Water With A Continuous Flow Water Heating System?
by Brett MulhallTurning on your tap and discovering you're out of hot water and will need to wait for your tank to refill and reheat can be infuriating, and as a result, you might have found yourself drawn to a continuous flow hot water system, which can't ...Read full faq
Does It Take Longer To Get Hot Water With A Continuous Flow Water Heating System?
by Brett MulhallTurning on your tap and discovering you're out of hot water and will need to wait for your tank to refill and reheat can be infuriating, and as a result, you might have found yourself drawn to a continuous flow hot water system, which can't ...Read full faq
Are Plumbers In High Demand In Australia?
by Brett MulhallKnowing your job is secure can do wonders for your mental health. However, in the past couple of decades, there have been numerous questions about which industries are safe to work in and which are moments away from becoming obsolete and un ...Read full faq
Can A Continuous Flow Water System Run Out Of Hot Water?
by Brett MulhallThere are very few things more frustrating in this world than turning on the hot water tap in the shower only to be met with a lukewarm response because you've run out of heated water in your tank. Ideally, a tankless, continuous flow hot w ...Read full faq
What Are The Disadvantages Of A Continuous Flow Water Heating System?
by Brett MulhallBy heating up water as you need it instead of using electricity all day to keep a large tank of pre-heated water warm, continuous flow water systems can save you money on both your water and power bills. However, that doesn't mean the syste ...Read full faq
What Are The Signs That My Hot Water System Needs To Be Replaced?
by Brett MulhallNothing on this planet is truly error-free. Everything will eventually break, and water heaters are no exceptions. If you're worried that your water heater is on the verge of breaking, then you can trust Aptus Plumbing & Gas to help you ide ...Read full faq
Do I Need To Maintain My Hot Water System?
by Brett MulhallFor many homeowners, hot water is something that's available simply by turning on the kitchen sink. However, that doesn't mean that hot water systems don't require the same regular maintenance and upkeep that everything else in your home ne ...Read full faq
Can I Install My Own Water Heater?
by Brett MulhallHome DIY is a fantastic hobby that can save you money in the long run. However, as much of a rush as it is to perform repairs, installations, and upkeep on your own, there are some things you're legally not able to do. Thankfully, if you're ...Read full faq
Do Plumbers Perform Bathroom Renovations?
by Brett MulhallWaking up to discover that your toilet has flooded your home is always an exhausting experience, but it's made slightly easier by the knowledge that an emergency plumber can help you resolve the issue quickly. But if the issue you're facing ...Read full faq
How Do Plumbers Find Water Leaks In Your Walls?
by Brett MulhallWater damage can quickly become one of the most expensive repairs any home owner will need to perform short of tearing the home apart and rebuilding it from scratch. This is generally due to how hard it can be to spot a hidden water leak in ...Read full faq
Do Plumbers Provide Estimates?
by Brett MulhallIt's never good when your plumbing systems break down. When the stress of trying to fix these systems kicks in, the last thing you want is to be slapped in the face with a larger bill than you expected. Thankfully, with Aptus Plumbing & Gas ...Read full faq
Do Plumbers Place Pipe?
by Brett MulhallPlumbers are renowned for being the first port of call when something goes wrong with the plumbing in your home. However, when you're building a new home or extending an old one, there are certain tasks you need to get a plumber to do rathe ...Read full faq
What Tools Do Plumbers Use?
by Brett MulhallFor many jobs, there is a specific toolset that becomes critically important for the workers ability to actually complete the task. Plumbers are no exception, with a core list of equipment they need to tackle the everyday challenges of thei ...Read full faq
What Hours Do Plumbers Work?
by Brett MulhallThere's no set time of the day for plumbing emergencies to strike. You'd never know if your plumbing system was going to fail within office hours or when you get up to use the bathroom at the crack of dawn, and that means plumbers may not a ...Read full faq
Why Is My Shower Shocking Me?
by Brett MulhallDoes your shower like to randomly shock you from time to time? If you're worried about this, that's perfectly normal - we'd be pretty concerned too. Thankfully, if you're looking to stop taps, faucets, or showerheads from giving you a shock ...Read full faq
Why Are Plumbers Called Plumbers?
by Brett MulhallThe art of plumbing is an important trade for many homes around Australia, but not many people actually know where the word comes from. Here at Aptus Plumbing & Gas, we're more than happy to help you understand the terminology around our cr ...Read full faq
What Is The Purpose Of The Sacrificial Anode In A Hot Water System?
by Brett MulhallIf you don't maintain it correctly, your water heater can quickly become damaged by its contents. Luckily, Aptus Plumbing & Gas can help with all hot water system repairs in Brisbane Northside, and can even help you prevent disaster before ...Read full faq
Do Plumbers Clean Sewerage?
by Brett MulhallIf a sewerage pipe has burst on your property, it's normal to feel like you're under a lot of stress. However, it's important that you manage your expectations around what your plumber will and won't clean. Thankfully, Aptus Plumbing & Gas ...Read full faq
What Types Of Plumbing Pipes Are Most Common?
by Brett MulhallThe plumbing in your home can be built from a variety of materials, which all need to be treated differently by plumbing professionals. Thankfully, when you want to understand how the varying materials in your plumbing system need to be ser ...Read full faq
How Can I Get Instant Hot Water?
by Brett MulhallIf you've ever had to wait for hot water, you know how long that wait can feel. If you'd rather have instantaneous hot water than a water heating system that seems to take a millennium to get started, Aptus Plumbing & Gas can help. For all ...Read full faq
What Skills Should A Plumber Have?
by Brett MulhallBeing a plumber is a complicated job that requires a broad range of skills. Thanks to our long history as the preferred choice for plumbing in Brisbane Northside, Aptus Plumbing and Gas can help you understand the wide skillset our team uti ...Read full faq
Are Plumbers More At Risk Of Certain Diseases?
by Brett MulhallAs a physical trade, plumbers are more at risk of certain diseases than others. As the best plumbers in Brisbane Northside, Aptus Plumbing & Gas can help you understand the risks our team face with every job. To get in touch with our team, ...Read full faq
What Is Green Plumbing?
by Brett MulhallAs the planet continues to change, 'green' alternatives have become more and more popular with time. At Aptus Plumbing & Gas, our great team understands how you can help the environment and save money at the same time with your plumbing in ...Read full faq
Should I Replace My 15-Year-Old Water Heater?
by Brett MulhallWhen your hot water unit fails, the results can be anything from inconvenient to outright destructive. You may simply find that you're no longer getting any hot water, or you might find yourself facing down a few thousand dollars of water d ...Read full faq
What Is The Difference Between The Main Sewage Line And The Drainage Line?
by Brett MulhallWith so many plumbing lines running to and from your home, it can be difficult to keep track of them all. Fortunately, Aptus Plumbing & Gas are the premier plumbers in Brisbane Northside, and can help you keep track of your home's plumbing ...Read full faq
How Does Basic Plumbing Work?
by Brett MulhallIf you own a home, then you might have found yourself wondering how exactly your plumbing works. A working understanding of the basics of plumbing can help you identify when you need to call in a professional. Thankfully, Aptus Plumbing & G ...Read full faq
What Size Water Heater Do I Need For A Family Of 3?
by Brett MulhallHot water heaters are so rarely a one-size fits all solution. With a broad range of available sizes, it can be hard to determine which one is the best choice for your growing family. Thankfully, Aptus Plumbing & Gas are the leading plumbers ...Read full faq
When Do You Need A Plumber To Unclog Your Toilet?
by Brett MulhallA clogged toilet is enough to ruin anyone's day. However, just because your day is ruined, that doesn't mean you need to scramble to call a professional plumber. When it does come time to get help with plumbing in Brisbane Northside, howeve ...Read full faq
Why Is My Hot Water Not As Hot As It Used To Be?
by Brett MulhallHot water is an important part of any home, but hot water systems can be prone to failure from time to time. As a result, it can be incredibly frustrating to have a hot water system that seems to turn off after a minute or two of use. If yo ...Read full faq
How Long Does It Take For A Continuous Flow Hot Water System To Deliver Water?
by Brett MulhallRunning out of hot water may be a terrible occasion, but it's not fun to have to wait for hot water, either. Fortunately, if you're using a continuous flow hot water system, our expert plumbers in Brisbane Northside can help you understand ...Read full faq
Can I Run Out Of Water With A Continuous Flow System?
by Brett MulhallRunning out of hot water is always a nuisance. Fortunately, with a continuous flow system, you're far less likely to find yourself stuck in the cold, and even if you do, it won't be long until heat returns. When you need help with your hot ...Read full faq
Should I Turn Off The Water Before Going On Holidays?
by Brett MulhallWhen you leave your home for a holiday, you shouldn't have to worry about coming home to a disaster. As a result, you should consider turning off your water before you leave for an extended period of time, and Aptus Plumbing & Gas and our p ...Read full faq
How Long Does A Hot Water Tank Retain Heat After A Power Outage?
by Brett MulhallWhen you lose power to your home, you'll have a variety of immediate concerns to go through. Due to its critical nature in your home, access to hot water may become an issue during a power outage. Fortunately, as the leading plumbers in Bri ...Read full faq
When Should I Replace My Hot Water System?
by Brett MulhallConsidering how important they are to your household, it can be difficult to acknowledge that it's time to replace your hot water system. Fortunately, with help from our team of plumbers in Brisbane Northside, you'll be able to determine if ...Read full faq
What Are The Different Types Of Hot Water Systems?
by Brett MulhallWhen it comes to hot water systems, there is no 'One-Size Fits All Solution' that will suit all households. Thankfully, our professional plumbers in Brisbane Northside at Aptus Plumbing & Gas can help you choose the hot water system that is ...Read full faq
How Long Will Copper Piping Last?
by Brett MulhallCopper piping is still a common sight in some older homes, which can present a range of unique plumbing problems. Thankfully, when you need an expert plumber in Brisbane Northside to help you with your plumbing, you can depend on Aptus Plum ...Read full faq
What Do You Do In A Plumbing Emergency?
by Brett MulhallWhen your plumbing fails, it's easy to become panicked. Thankfully, with guidance from our Brisbane Northside plumbers, we'll be able to help you manage any plumbing emergency.
With help from our qualified plumbers, you'll be able to na ...Read full faq
How Do I Find A Leaking Pipe In My Home?
by Brett MulhallThe vast majority of your plumbing is hidden out-of-sight within your home, which means leaks can go unnoticed. Thankfully, finding a hidden leak within your home is possible with help from our Brisbane Northside plumbers at Aptus Plumbing ...Read full faq
Can A Plumber Repair My Hot Water System?
by Brett MulhallHot water systems play an integral part in our day to day lives, but it can be easy to take them for granted. However, when they break, it's hard to know who to call to get it fixed - do you call a plumber, or an electrician? Thankfully, Ap ...Read full faq
How Do I Stop My Drain From Smelling?
by Brett MulhallUnfortunately for many households, smelly drains are a common problem. Thankfully, as is generally the case for common problems, the solution is simple with plumbing advice in Brisbane Northside from Aptus Plumbing & Gas.
Smelly drains ...Read full faq
Get In Touch With Aptus Plumbing & Gas Today
I truly appreciate the excellent communication and the friendly demeanor of the staff. They were kind enough to come and address the issue on such short notice. Thank you!
We had a gentleman attend our home for a few small plumbing repairs and he was great to deal with. Very friendly and knowledgeable, he even noted a few other things to fix while onsite. He was on time... more
Thank you for your service was . paul wad polite , friendly and worked along side my children who had the curiosity to watch your work, thank you for being so patient with my children. The job was com... more

We happily service all areas of Brisbane and beyond. Get in touch today.
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